Vega Lite
How Can You Create Different Types of Bar Charts with Vega-Lite?

How Can You Create Different Types of Bar Charts with Vega-Lite?

Bar charts are a staple in data visualization, and with Vega-Lite, you can create them effortlessly. Let's explore how to make different types of bar charts, from simple single bar charts to more complex stacked and grouped bar charts.

Here, we break it down with examples and explanations to make your journey smoother.

// Basic Bar Chart Specification
  "data": ... ,
  "mark": "bar",
  "encoding": ... ,

Bar marks are super versatile. They're great for creating bar charts, stacked bar charts, timelines, and much more.

Bar Mark Properties

In Vega-Lite, a bar mark setup can include a variety of standard properties along with some special ones:

// Example Bar Mark Specification
  "mark": {
    "type": "bar",
  "encoding": ... ,

Let's dive into using these properties creatively.


Simple Bar Chart

Starting simple: Mapping a quantitative field to either x or y results in a basic bar chart. Here's a quick example:

Horizontal Bar Chart

Need a horizontal bar chart? Just map a discrete field to the y channel, and voilà! Adjust the bar's height with "height": {"step": 17}.

Bar Chart with a Temporal Axis

Want to show data over time? Use a temporal field on the x axis. By default, the (x) scale is continuous, and you can adjust bar sizes with continuousBandSize.

Adjusting Bar Width

If the default bar width doesn't suit your needs, you can set it to a proportion of the band. For example, adjust to 70% of the x band width.

Discrete Temporal Axis

Sometimes, you'll want a discrete scale for time units with fewer categories, like months. Cast the field to "ordinal".

Bar Chart with Rounded Corners

Add a touch of style by rounding the corners of your bars with the cornerRadiusEnd property.

Handling Negative Values with a Zero Baseline

When dealing with negative values, you might want to hide the axis line and use a conditional grid color for clarity.

Creating a Histogram

For raw data, binning a quantitative field on x and aggregating count on y makes a histogram. If you prefer no gaps, set binSpacing to 0.

Stacked Bar Chart

Adding color creates a stacked bar chart by default. Customize the color's scale for a more appealing view.

Layered Bar Chart

To create a layered bar chart, set stack to null, and consider adjusting opacity for clarity.

Normalized Stacked Bar Chart

Normalize your stacked bar chart to show percentages easily by setting stack to "normalize".

Grouped Bar Chart with Offset

Grouped Bar Chart with Facet

Use faceting to create grouped bar charts with independent scales.

Grouped Bar Chart with Repeat

Creating Timelines with Ranged Bars

To create timelines, specify x2 or y2 for ranged bars.

Fine-Tuning Your Bar Charts

Bar Configuration

Customize bar settings globally using the bar property in your top-level config object.

// Top-level View Specification
  "config": {
    "bar": ...,

Use properties like continuousBandSize, discreteBandSize, and minBandSize to refine your charts' appearance.


Q: Can I create vertical and horizontal bar charts easily with Vega-Lite? A: Absolutely! Mapping a quantitative field to x or y channel will create a vertical or horizontal bar chart respectively.

Q: How do I create a stacked bar chart in Vega-Lite? A: Simply add color to your bar chart using the color attribute. Vega-Lite will automatically stack the bars.

Q: What if I want to change the bar width or spacing? A: You can adjust the bar width using properties like continuousBandSize for bars on continuous scales or set binSpacing to 0 for histograms without gaps.

And there you have it! With Vega-Lite, creating and customizing bar charts is a breeze. So go ahead, give it a try, and bring your data to life.