Vega Lite
Data Transformation
How Can You Use the Sample Transform in Vega-Lite to Reduce Data Size?

What is the Sample Transform in Vega-Lite?

When working with large datasets, sometimes it's necessary to reduce their size for easier visualization and processing. That's where the Sample Transform comes into play. By randomly filtering rows from your dataset, the Sample Transform helps in maintaining a manageable and representative subset of your data.

How Does It Work?

The Sample Transform uses a method called reservoir sampling (opens in a new tab). This ensures that as new data objects are added or old ones are removed, the sampled values update in a first-in, first-out manner. In simpler terms, it helps you maintain a balanced and representative sample of your data stream.

Sample Transform Syntax

Here's how you can include the Sample Transform in your Vega-Lite specification:

// Any View Specification
  "transform": [
    {"sample": 500} // Sample Transform to limit to 500 data objects

How to Use the Sample Transform?

If you want to filter your data to a random sample of, say, 500 data objects, you can do it like this:

{"sample": 500}

This line of code makes sure that only up to 500 rows of your dataset are randomly chosen and passed for visualization or further processing.

Example: Visualizing Sampled Data

Visualizing the complete dataset versus a sampled subset helps in understanding the impact of sampling. Here's an example comparing the plots of the full dataset and the sampled data:

  "data": {"url": "path/to/your/data.csv"},
  "transform": [
    {"sample": 500}
  "mark": "point",
  "encoding": {
    "x": {"field": "your_x_field", "type": "quantitative"},
    "y": {"field": "your_y_field", "type": "quantitative"}

And here’s a visual comparison:


1. What is the main benefit of using the Sample Transform?

Answer: The primary benefit is reducing the size of your data, making it more manageable for visualization and processing. This is particularly useful for large datasets that could otherwise slow down your render times or overwhelm your system's memory.

2. Does the Sample Transform guarantee the same subset of data every time?

Answer: No, the Sample Transform uses random sampling methods. Therefore, the subset of data it returns can vary each time you run the transform. This randomness helps in maintaining a representative sample.

3. Can I use the Sample Transform with other transforms in Vega-Lite?

Answer: Yes, you can combine it with other transforms in your Vega-Lite specification. For instance, you might use a filter or aggregate transform along with the Sample Transform to achieve more sophisticated data processing and visualization needs.

By understanding and using the Sample Transform in Vega-Lite, you can efficiently handle large datasets and create more responsive and insightful visualizations. Happy visualizing! 🎨📊