Vega Lite
What is the Geoshape Mark in Vega-Lite and How to Use It?

What is the Geoshape Mark in Vega-Lite and How to Use It?

If you're a data enthusiast looking to visualize geographic data, you're in for a treat. Vega-Lite provides a special mark called geoshape that allows you to render complex shapes based on GeoJSON data. Let's dive in to understand how you can leverage this powerful feature.

Why Use the Geoshape Mark?

The geoshape mark enables you to create visual representations of arbitrary shapes based on geographical coordinates. For instance, you can visualize countries, states, or any custom regions described in GeoJSON.

Imagine you want to create a choropleth map to show population density across different regions. The geoshape mark makes it easy to achieve this by projecting geographical coordinates into pixel values on your map.

Basic Usage

Here’s a simple example of how to set up a geoshape mark in Vega-Lite:

  "data": {
    "url": "path/to/your/geojson/data.json",
    "format": {
      "type": "json",
      "property": "features"
  "mark": "geoshape",
  "projection": {
    "type": "mercator"
  "encoding": {
    "color": {
      "field": "properties.population",
      "type": "quantitative"

In this example:

  • We load GeoJSON data from a specified URL.
  • We set the mark to geoshape.
  • We use a Mercator projection, but you can choose others depending on your need.
  • We color the shapes based on population data.

Pretty straightforward, right?

Configuring Geoshape Mark

Sometimes, you might want to set default properties for your geoshape marks. This is especially useful when you're dealing with multiple geoshapes and want a unified look.

Here's how you can configure them globally:

  "config": {
    "geoshape": {
      "fill": "#ccc",
      "stroke": "#000",
      "strokeWidth": 0.5

In this configuration:

  • All geoshapes will have a default fill color of light grey (#ccc).
  • They will have a stroke color of black (#000) with a stroke width of 0.5 pixels.

You can override these default settings in individual geoshape specifications by using encoding channels.

Example Use Case: Choropleth Map

Here’s an example of a choropleth map using geoshape:

  "data": {
    "url": "",
    "format": {
      "type": "topojson",
      "feature": "counties"
  "mark": "geoshape",
  "projection": {
    "type": "albersUsa"
  "encoding": {
    "color": {
      "field": "id",
      "type": "ordinal"

This example:

  • Loads US counties' data in TopoJSON format.
  • Uses an Albers USA projection.
  • Colors each county based on its id.

By following this structure, you can easily map any geographical data!


1. What types of projections can I use with geoshape?

You can use various map projections such as Mercator, Albers USA, and Orthographic. The choice depends on the specific needs of your data visualization.

2. How do I load GeoJSON data for use with geoshape?

You can load GeoJSON data using the data property and specifying the URL where your data is hosted. Make sure to set the format type to json and point to the correct property, typically features.

3. Can I override global geoshape configurations for individual marks?

Yes, you can use encoding channels in your individual geoshape specifications to override global configurations defined in the config property.

Ready to start creating stunning maps with geoshape? Dive into your data and visualize it like never before with Vega-Lite!