Vega Lite
Data Transformation
What is the Quantile Transform and How Can You Use It?

What is the Quantile Transform and How Can You Use It?

Have you ever wondered how to calculate empirical quantiles for your data? Whether you're looking to create quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots or simply analyze distributions, the quantile transform in Vega-Lite is a powerful tool. Let’s dive into how it works and how you can use it to take your data visualization to the next level!

What is the Quantile Transform?

The quantile transform calculates empirical quantile (opens in a new tab) values for an input data stream. If you need to segment your data further, you can use the groupby parameter to estimate quantiles separately per group.

Think of quantiles as markers that divide your data into intervals with equal probabilities. This transform is particularly useful for creating quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plots (opens in a new tab), which compare two probability distributions by plotting their quantiles against each other.

Here's a general structure of a Vega-Lite spec with a quantile transform:

  "transform": [
    {"quantile": ...} // Quantile Transform

How to Use the Quantile Transform

Basic Usage

Let’s say you want to calculate quantiles for a field named "measure". Here's a basic example:

  "quantile": "measure",
  "probs": [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]

This computes the quartile (opens in a new tab) boundaries for the "measure" field. The output data looks something like this:

  {prob: 0.25, value: 1.34},
  {prob: 0.5, value: 5.82},
  {prob: 0.75, value: 9.31}

Using Equal-Sized Probability Steps

Want more granularity? You can use the step parameter to generate quantiles at regular intervals:

  "quantile": "measure",
  "step": 0.05

This computes quantiles for the "measure" field over equal-sized probability steps. The output data could look like this:

  {prob: 0.025, value: 0.01},
  {prob: 0.075, value: 0.02},
  {prob: 0.975, value: 0.2}

Example: Creating a Quantile-Quantile Plot

A quantile-quantile plot can be extremely helpful for comparing your input data to theoretical distributions or another dataset. Here’s a quick example to visualize this:

  "mark": "point",
  "encoding": {
    "x": {"field": "theoretical_quantile", "type": "quantitative"},
    "y": {"field": "sample_quantile", "type": "quantitative"}
  "transform": [
    {"quantile": "sample_data"}

This snippet sets up a point chart where the x-axis represents theoretical quantiles and the y-axis represents sample quantiles from your data.


What is a quantile?

A quantile is a statistical division point that separates the data into equal-sized intervals. For example, quartiles split the data into four parts, deciles into ten, and percentiles into a hundred.

How do I choose between probs and step?

Use probs when you have specific quantile probabilities in mind (e.g., quartiles at 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75). Use step when you want to generate quantiles at regular intervals.

Can I use the quantile transform on grouped data?

Absolutely! Use the groupby parameter to calculate quantiles separately for different groups within your dataset. This is useful for scenarios where you need to compare distributions across multiple categories.

And there you have it! With this guide, you’re well on your way to mastering the quantile transform in Vega-Lite. Feel free to experiment and uncover deeper insights from your data.