Vega Lite
Data Transformation
What is Join Aggregate in Vega-Lite and How Can It Supercharge Your Data Visualization?

What is Join Aggregate in Vega-Lite and How Can It Supercharge Your Data Visualization?

Have you ever wondered how to combine raw data with aggregate calculations for richer data visualizations? The Join Aggregate transform in Vega-Lite could be your answer! Let’s dive into what it is, why it’s useful, and how you can use it with some great examples.

What Problems Does Join Aggregate Solve?

Join Aggregate can help you:

  • Calculate percentages of group totals.
  • Create derived values that augment your original data.
  • Preserve the original table structure while adding aggregate data.

In simple terms, it's a way to enrich your data with additional computed values without summarizing it.

How to Use Join Aggregate

Let's break down the basic structure of a join aggregate transform:

  "transform": [
      "joinaggregate": [{
          "op": "sum",
          "field": "value",
          "as": "TotalValue"
      "groupby": ["category"]
  • op: The aggregation operation (like sum, mean, etc.).
  • field: The field you want to aggregate.
  • as: The name of the new field that will hold the aggregate value.
  • groupby: Fields to group by.

Common Use Cases for Join Aggregate

Percent of Total

Want to know what percent of the entire data set each category represents? Here's an example:

  "transform": [
      "joinaggregate": [{
          "op": "sum",
          "field": "value",
          "as": "TotalValue"
      "groupby": ["category"]
      "calculate": "datum.value / datum.TotalValue",
      "as": "PercentOfTotal"

Difference from Mean

Need to find out which items deviate significantly from the average?

Here we define "exemplar" movies as those that have a score of 2.5 points higher than the global average.

  "transform": [
      "joinaggregate": [{
          "op": "mean",
          "field": "score",
          "as": "MeanScore"
      "calculate": "datum.score - datum.MeanScore",
      "as": "DifferenceFromMean"
      "filter": "datum.DifferenceFromMean > 2.5"

Text Color with Contrast

Want dynamic contrast in your text color based on data values? This is how you can do it:

  1. Predefined Threshold: This example requires knowing the range of a field (num_cars) beforehand.

      "transform": [
          "joinaggregate": [{
              "op": "max",
              "field": "num_cars",
              "as": "MaxNumCars"
          "calculate": "datum.num_cars > datum.MaxNumCars / 2 ? 'black' : 'white'",
          "as": "TextColor"
  2. Dynamic Threshold: Determine the threshold dynamically with joinaggregate.

      "transform": [
          "joinaggregate": [{
              "op": "mean",
              "field": "num_cars",
              "as": "MeanNumCars"
          "calculate": "datum.num_cars > datum.MeanNumCars ? 'black' : 'white'",
          "as": "TextColor"


Q1: What is the difference between Join Aggregate and Aggregate transforms?

A: While both perform aggregation, the Join Aggregate transform preserves the original table structure and adds aggregate values to each record. On the other hand, Aggregate transform summarizes the data, reducing it to one record per group.

Q2: Can I use multiple aggregate functions in a single Join Aggregate transform?

A: Yes, you can specify multiple aggregate functions within a single joinaggregate array.

Q3: Is it possible to use Join Aggregate with time-based data?

A: Absolutely! Join Aggregate works seamlessly with time fields, allowing you to group and aggregate data based on time intervals.

So, what are you waiting for? Start using Join Aggregate today to take your data visualizations to the next level!