Vega Lite
How Can I Define Date and Time in Vega-Lite?

How Can I Define Date and Time in Vega-Lite?

Understanding how to work with dates and times is crucial for creating meaningful visualizations. In Vega-Lite, you can use date time definition objects to specify date and time values conveniently. This eliminates the need to work with complex timestamp integers.

What is a Date Time Definition Object?

A date time definition object in Vega-Lite allows you to define dates and times using a simple, human-readable format. This is particularly useful when applying filter transforms, setting scale domains, or configuring axis and legend values in your visualizations.

Essential Properties

A date time definition object must include at least one of the following properties:

yearFour-digit year (e.g., 2023)
quarterQuarter of the year (1-4)
monthMonth of the year (either numeric 1-12 or string "jan" to "dec")
dateDay of the month
dayDay of the week (0 - Sunday to 6 - Saturday)
hoursHour of the day (0-23)
minutesMinute within the hour (0-59)
secondsSecond within the minute (0-59)
millisecondsMillisecond within the second (0-999)


To give you a clear idea, here’s an example:

  "year": 2006,
  "month": "jan",
  "date": 1

The above object represents January 1, 2006.

Why Should You Use Date Time Definition Objects?

Using date time definition objects simplifies the process of specifying dates and times in your visualizations. It provides a more intuitive way to refer to specific dates, avoiding the complexity of timestamp numbers. This is especially helpful for tasks like filtering data points within a certain period or setting the domain of your visualization to match the time span of your dataset.

Here's a simple example of how a date time definition can be used in a Vega-Lite specification to filter data:

  "data": {
    "url": "data/cars.json"
  "transform": [
      "filter": {
        "and": [
          {"field": "Year", "gte": {"year": 2006}},
          {"field": "Year", "lt": {"year": 2023}}
  "mark": "point",
  "encoding": {
    "x": {"field": "Weight_in_lbs", "type": "quantitative"},
    "y": {"field": "Miles_per_Gallon", "type": "quantitative"}

In this example, only cars from 2006 to 2022 are included in the visualization.


1. Can I specify incomplete dates?

Yes! You can specify incomplete dates. For example, you can define just the year or year and month if you're interested in broader timeframes.

2. What if I need to filter by day of the week?

You can use the day property to filter by day of the week. Days are specified with numerical values from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday).

3. How do I represent time down to milliseconds?

To represent specific times down to milliseconds, include the hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds properties in your date time definition object.

  "hours": 14,
  "minutes": 30,
  "seconds": 45,
  "milliseconds": 123

This example specifies 2:30:45.123 PM.

By using these properties effectively, you can gain fine-grained control over the time aspects of your data visualizations. Happy charting with Vega-Lite and vizGPT!