Vega Lite
How Can You Use Projections in Vega-Lite for Mapping Data?

How Can Projections in Vega-Lite Help You Map Data Effectively?

Have you ever wondered how to map geographical data points, like the locations of airports in the U.S., using Vega-Lite? This guide will walk you through the magic of cartographic projections in Vega-Lite, making it super simple to layout geographic points or regions on a map!

Why Use Projections?

In the world of mapping, a projection transforms longitude and latitude coordinates into x and y coordinates on a 2D plane. If you have geographic data, such as points (like airport locations) or areas (like countries or states) in GeoJSON format, projections are essential. Here’s the best part: Vega-Lite makes this process straightforward.

Example: Let's say you want to visualize all airports in the U.S. Using Vega-Lite, you can project latitude and longitude coordinates onto a map using the albersUsa projection. Here’s a sneak peek:

Setting Up Projections in Vega-Lite

To get started with projections in Vega-Lite, you'll define them in your unit specifications alongside your encoding. You’ll map geographic coordinates to longitude and latitude channels (and longitude2 and latitude2 for ranged marks).

Projection Properties

Vega-Lite supports various projection properties to customize your maps. Here are some important ones you might use:

  • Type: The type of projection (e.g., albersUsa, mercator).
  • Center: The center of the projection.
  • Scale: The scale factor for the projection.
  • Translate: The translation offset.

You can see a complete list of properties in Vega's projection documentation (opens in a new tab).

Projection Types Available

Vega-Lite includes numerous projections from the d3-geo (opens in a new tab) library, each suitable for different mapping needs:

albers (opens in a new tab)U.S.-centric equal-area conic projection.
albersUsa (opens in a new tab)Composite for U.S., including Hawaii and Alaska.
mercator (opens in a new tab)Standard world map projection.
orthographic (opens in a new tab)Globe-like projection.

Each projection type can be tailored to your specific visualization needs.

Configuring Projections

To make your projections really shine, you can set default configurations in the top-level view specification:

  "config": {
    "projection": {
      "type": "albersUsa",
      "scale": 1000,
      "translate": [480, 250]


Q1: What type of data is required for projections in Vega-Lite?

  • A1: You need geographic data, typically in the format of longitude and latitude coordinates or GeoJSON format for regions.

Q2: Can I use multiple projections in a single Vega-Lite visualization?

  • A2: Yes, but each unit specification will be limited to one projection. You can create multiple layers or views with different projections.

Q3: How do I choose the right projection for my map?

  • A3: The choice of projection depends on the data and the region you’re mapping. For example, use albersUsa for U.S.-centric data, and mercator for a global view.

And that’s it! You’re now ready to project your geographic data in Vega-Lite. Happy Mapping!